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In other words, even if you give bankers credit for good intentions, the accounting that would truly capture "capital" may ***t exist. Or as Waldman writes, "Bank capital can***t be measured." Layer in some real world realities. The next time things get tough, will regulators once again practice forbearance and allow firms to overstate their capital, which has the perverse effect of making *** one trust reported capital? Let's ***t forget Lehman, which according to Lehman had a very healthy Tier 1 ratio of 10.7 percent on May 31, 2008 and a total capital ratio of 16.1 percent. This didn't matter, because *** one believed Lehman's capital was real. <a href=" http://www.westsideartscenter.com/ease-side-effects-coming-off-cymbalta/ ">ease side effects coming off cymbalta</a> Nevertheless, mutual fund investors can get a pop in theirportfolios if the fund managers buy stakes in private companiesmonths and even years ahead of a market listing. 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