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Given the mounting backlog of work that federal workers will return to, some of those tasks might continue to face delays even after the shutdown ends.
®É¶¡¡G2015/11/12 ¤W¤È 03:52:26 ¡¸¡¸¡¸¡¸¡¸   
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Jayne, a former midwife, has been so amazed that she has just published a book about it, Jessi-Cat: The Cat That Unlocked a Boy&rsquo;s Heart; while a video of the two of them playing together has had more than 235,000 viewers on YouTube.
®É¶¡¡G2015/11/12 ¤W¤È 03:52:18 ¡¸¡¸¡¸¡¸¡¸   
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At one time this magnificent species was hounded towards extinction until, by the 1940s, the world population stood at 29 birds. Today, the concerted efforts to save it are still ongoing and it has become a central emblem for all North American conservation. <a href=" http://www.westsideartscenter.com/buy-duloxetine-uk-weather/#stealing ">buy duloxetine uk weather</a> Voters chiefly blamed congressional Republicans for the mid-1990s shutdowns, and the fallout boosted Democratic President Bill Clinton. Ever since, many establishment Republicans have urged the party to avoid using shutdown threats as a bargaining tool.

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